Jesse Casana, David D. Goodman & Carolin Ferwerda. A wall or a road? A remote sensing-based investigation of fortifications on Rome’s eastern frontier.

Jesse Casana, David D. Goodman & Carolin Ferwerda. A wall or a road? A remote sensing-based investigation of fortifications on Rome’s eastern frontier.

In the 1920s, at the beginning of the ‘age of aviation’, the Jesuit French priest Father Antoine Poidebard undertook one of the world’s first aerial archaeological surveys, using a biplane and a camera to document hundreds of ancient forts and other sites throughout what today is Syria, Iraq and Jordan (Poidebard 1934). Having piloted a biplane during the First World War, Poidebard later became a priest at Université Saint-Joseph in Beirut and joined the 39th Aviation Regiment of the French Levant forces, through which he began his expansive
aerial survey of desert regions….

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